"Canary in coal mine" in a word English Language Usage ...
"Canary in coal mine" in a word. ... This usage fits the notion of a "canary in a coal mine" because the canary is an ... In terms of the meaning of "one who ...
"Canary in coal mine" in a word. ... This usage fits the notion of a "canary in a coal mine" because the canary is an ... In terms of the meaning of "one who ...
canary in a coal mine definition: The thankless task of being the very first someone to take popular, through the training of coal miners of lowering a caged canary ...
Lyrics to "Canary In A Coalmine" song by The Police: First to fall over when the atmosphere is less than perfect Your sensibilities are shaken by the sli...
meaning that products at each tier level must have the same copayments, ... 2 Canary in the Coal Mine . The benefits of consumer complaints as an early warning
Canary in the Arctic coal mine: ... meaning that birds reliant on a particular Arctic food supply are often now departing the North on long migratory journeys with ...
Canary in a coal mine Wiktionary An allusion to caged canaries that miners would carry down into the mine tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as carbon ...
The official site of the North East PA Miners, a minor league football team playing in the Empire Football League ... Meaning of the phrase "Canary in a coal mine"
canary in a coal mine: Something whose sensitivity to adverse conditions makes it a useful early indicator of such conditions; something which warns of the coming of ...
I was going to make a long reply but I realized wiki had a greater response: canary in a coal mine
Aug 06, 2017· canary in a coal mine (plural canaries in a coal mine) (idiomatic) Something whose sensitivity to adverse conditions makes it a useful early indicator of such conditions; something which warns of the coming of greater danger or trouble by a deterioration in its health or welfare.
Carbon monoxide, a potentially deadly gas devoid of color, taste or smell, can form underground during a mine fire or after a mine explosion. Today''s coal miners must ...
Jul 02, 2008· Video embedded· Mix THE POLICE Canary in a Coalmine YouTube; Walking On The Moon The Police Duration: 5:13. soupleaf 3,873,022 views. 5:13.
1 December 22, 2015 WHAT IS THE CANARY IN THE FINANCIAL COAL MINE SAYING? Credit spreads, which measure the relationship between bonds of ...
Video embedded· canary in a coal mine. Something or someone who, due to sensitivity to his, her, or its surroundings, acts as an indicator and early warning of possible adverse conditions or danger. Refers to the former practice of taking caged canaries into coal .
The domestic canary, ... meaning "island of dogs", ... The phrase "canary in a coal mine" is frequently used to refer to a person or thing which serves as an early ...
Apr 22, 2017· "To act like the canary in the coal mine" is an idiomatic expression referring to the literal sense and situation of the canaries that were used in...
What do small yellow birds have to do with a dark coal mine? Learn the meaning and history of this expression with Anna, Jonathan and Ashley.
Jun 15, 2007· Best Answer: The phrase living like a canary in a coal mine often refers to serving as a warning to others Life for an actual canary in a coal mine could ...
The Urban Dictionary Mug. One side has the word, one side has the definition. ... canary in a coal mine; canary in a goldmine; Canary in the whore mine; canary killer;
"Canary in a coal mine" refers to an early safety measure taken by coal miners. Early coal mines did not feature ventilation systems. Modern day carbon monoxide detectors serve as the "canaries in a coal mine.
Definition of canary in the Dictionary. Meaning of canary. What does canary mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (and phonetic transcription ...
Oct 13, 2008· "canary in the coal mine" means "early warning," and comes from the old times of coal mining when a canary in a cage was used to determine if .
A canary in a coal mine is an early indicator of imminent danger. Due to their small size, along with their ability to fly up into hardtoreach spaces,
A canary in a coal mine is an advanced warning of some danger. The metaphor originates from the times when miners used to carry caged canaries while at work; if there was any methane or carbon monoxide in the mine, the canary would die before the levels of the gas reached those hazardous to humans.